• Italiano
  • English


WHERE: Lione, Francia

Hi, my name is Alex !

I was primarily trained as a chef, both in France and in Canada. After a few years of working in various types of restaurant kitchens, from fine dining to bistrot, I wanted to integrate more craft into my routine.

The idea to work with pasta, a medium that allows a free expression of a chef’s creativity, came naturally and coming to the VSB to train myself as a sfoglino was an evidence.

At the end of the three-month professional course at the VSB, where I was lucky to meet a fantastic team, I feel ready and confident to begin a new chapter in my culinary path, mixing the secular Italian craftmanship and the French cuisine techniques.

See you in Lyon !

LINK: https://www.instagram.com/alexbnnl/

BOUT HIM THE TEACHER SAYS:  Great Alex!! Precise and efficient.
Bolognese cuisine in the heart of France 😉👍

Alessandra Spisni


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